Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I am super excited to be starting up again. I've been absent from it for about a year and a half, while I went through my separation and divorce. I'm starting over again, and that means starting fresh with a lot of things.
I've missed my little business so much over the last several months. I made a lot of friends, and had so many loyal customers from the different venues where we would show. I can't guarantee that I will be at every single event, but I'll make it to as many as I can. It'll be just me for now, but I'm coming back in a big way
I have to repurchase the domain name and set up shop online. Besides the independent site, I'll also start posting on Etsy again. For now, the easiest way to reach me is to email me at sjcandleshoppe@gmail.com or find me on Twitter (@TXshoppegirl) if you want some info, to place an order, or just wish me luck!